
Disasters in Drop

Disasters in drop D.

Indeed it all began with me.

A struggling kid and a drug-fucked dad.

Reason for a needle, this boy had.


Disasters in drop.

I was drug-fuck’s ammunition.

To his own son, 

He says that I am held in higher opinion.


This is fucked! Wish I were dreaming.

Now my friend inside is screaming.

Soon from dad, he learns bad lessons.

Bastard sank his moral defenses.


We hit rocks at sixteen.

Not sober, so I got over it.

Naked dash at Christine’s.

Car crash, no virginity.

Then much wasteful time was spent.

I proudly ignored him.

He froze to death from a relapse of smack.


One can’t correct what another neglects. 



Passion Gauge

Nothing I could say would bring that idiot home.

The passion gauge has to be innate.

Nothing anyone can say can prove anyone wrong.

No one listens for what's being explained.


It isn't fate. It doesn't debate.

You either earn it or you don't.

If skills that hatch emerge unmatched.

You find yourself second to none.


It's got to be black or white. There's no time for gray.

Intentions become a holy light. Ignite your passion gauge.


Nothing can make me happy except what I do for myself.

I always heard it but never accepted the truth.

Take my material away and I won't suffer as much as you hope.

There's a secret I bear regarding wealth.




I have this thing inside of me that won't learn when to quit.

Negatory rampaging, I'll be quite the twit.

A new beginning. Cool. Calm. Collected.

Keep me on an even keel, or havoc I emit.


Get me out of me. I will not relax.

I'll be away from me.

Consistency is the trick.


Is it too late for us to resume this song and dance?

Unhealthy pattern I promote, you take that second glance.

Thinking highly respiratory, cannot afford to act.

It's the hero inside of me, failing back to back.


I swore I would not take you for granted, now I've put us back in square one.

Safe to say I learned my lesson, but will we come undone?

I'm sat here, counting on a promise, that I don't know if being human will let you keep.

A man accepts the consequences.

A man am I, but only skin deep.
